Monday, January 26, 2015

MMS 2015 Geo Bee Winners

Please join MMS in congratulating Blake Todes, 7th grade, our new National GeoBee Champion.  Robert Overly, 8th grade is our runner-up.

We had a tie for third place:  Asher Moskowitz, 8th grade and Cristian Gualy, 6th grade.

Thank you to the GeoBee Committee for all their support and help:
Dr. Charlene Gibert
Liz Rushing, Michelle Perkins, Lisa Suchart

It was a very exciting adrenalin-filled competition! The next step is for Blake to take a written test to see if he qualifies for the state competition.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

MMS 2015 Spelling Bee Winners

Congratulations to our spelling bee winner Stephen Kim and runner-up Aiden Berkman, both 8th graders.   The contest went 10 rounds and WOW, can these kids spell!

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